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英国科学家研发出3D打印眼角膜 有望无限量供应

发布日期:2024-06-08 01:57浏览次数:
本文摘要:Human corneas have successfully been 3D printed for the first time by scientists at Newcastle University in England.英国纽卡斯尔大学的科学家首次顺利使用3D技术打印机出有人类眼角膜。


Human corneas have successfully been 3D printed for the first time by scientists at Newcastle University in England.英国纽卡斯尔大学的科学家首次顺利使用3D技术打印机出有人类眼角膜。By mixing stem cells from a healthy donor cornea with alginate, a gel derived from seaweed, and collagen, researchers managed to create a bio-ink solution that can be printed.科学家通过将来自身体健康供体角膜的干细胞与藻盐酸(来自海藻的凝胶)和胶原蛋白混合在一起,建构出有可以打印机的“生物墨水”溶液。This bio-ink then would be successfully expelled out of the printer in concentric circles in the shape of a cornea in less than 10 minutes, according to a paper published in Experimental Eye Research.之后,3D打印机可以把这种生物墨水顺利打印机成眼角膜的同心圆状,整个过程仅有须要10分钟。



这项研究成果公开发表在《实验性眼科研究》期刊上。Our unique bio-gel -- a combination of alginate and collagen -- keeps the stem cells alive while producing a material which is stiff enough to hold its shape but soft enough to be squeezed out the nozzle of a 3D printer, said lead researcher Che Connon in a press release.首席研究员冈-康农在新闻稿中说道:“我们独一无二的生物墨水由藻盐酸和胶原蛋白做成,使干细胞维持活力,同时生产出有充足柔软的材料以维持其形状,而且充足坚硬以从3D打印机的燃烧室吸管。”Connons team also showed it is possible to create a cornea that matches a patients unique specifications.康农的团队还向人们展示出,打印机出有合乎患者有所不同特点的角膜是几乎不切实际的。

By taking the dimensions of the patients actual cornea with scans, scientists can use the data to print a cornea that matches its size and shape.科学家通过扫瞄患者的眼睛来量所取其现实角膜的尺寸,之后用于这些数据打印机出有与其大小和形状十分相似的眼角膜。The 3D printed corneas will now have to undergo further testing but it is hoped the technique could be in regular use within five years.3D打印机的人类角膜将必须展开更进一步测试,但这一技术未来将会在5年内投放常规用于。Professor Connon said the research could help with the worldwide shortage of corneas for transplant.康农教授说道,这项研究有助减轻全球范围内的眼角膜重制供体紧缺问题。

Currently around 10 million people worldwide each year require surgery to prevent corneal blindness, and another five million already suffer total blindness from corneal scarring caused by burns, lacerations, abrasion or disease.目前全球每年有约1000万人必须重制角膜来避免角膜盲。还有500万人由于灼伤、断裂、弹片或疾病造成角膜瘢痕而几乎失聪。



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